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A monkey laying on the running board of a chrome hot rod with a surfboard on the roof - Tony South - Silver Surfer

a gorilla seated in a barber chair holding a glass of wine - Tony South - No One Came

A monkey playing the guitar with a bottle of Monkey Shoulder next to him - Tony South - Too Much Monkey Business

A monkey playing the drums with mechanical monkeys and bananas - Tony South - Drummer Boy

A monkey in a chair holding a bottle of wine and a Victrola next to him - Tony South - Phono

A monkey with a beer and guitar standing by a jukebox - Tony South - Jukebox Hero

The men with pigs heads and baseball bats standing around an orange hot rod - Tony South - The Moloko Muscle

A monkey liking a round lollipop with a planet in the background - Tony South - Planets Aligned

A monkey dressed like a hockey player - Tony South - Puttin On The Foil

A monkey with a tinfoil hat looking at the moon - Tony South - Signals

A monkey wearing a cap with a pool cue - Tony South - Hustle

A monkey in a space suit holding two space guns - Tony South - Slowly and Surely They Drew Their Plans Against Us