
A monkey wearing a cap with a pool cue - Tony South - Hustle

2020-21 Compact Characters series. Based on the film of the same name “Fast Eddie Felson” gets the primate treatment ahead of  the “Minnesota Fats” game.

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A monkey with a tinfoil hat looking at the moon - Tony South - Signals

2020-2021 Compact Characters series. To quote Groucho Marx “Be open minded, but not so open minded your brains fall out”. A painting born out of the Walter Mitty within, the romantics, dreamers, stargazers and woolgatherers…

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A monkey blowing a bubble - Tony South - Inflate

From 2020 -2021 I did a sizable amount of smaller paintings on artboard, this was one of those. Most of these works are based on the ongoing theme of Human/primate assimilation of  character and expression.

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Silver Surfer

A monkey laying on the running board of a chrome hot rod with a surfboard on the roof - Tony South - Silver Surfer

The car in this piece doesn’t exist, it was fabricated digitally and then drawn onto canvas, the painting is mainly an exercise in capturing surfaces, reflections and a Californian Hotrod scenario to host. It also features the Hypno-Chimp motif again.

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The Last Lap

A monkey on a motorcycle racing a turtle and snail - Tony South - The Last Lap

Based on my fond nostalgia for old British motorcycles. A complex work that could take on many narratives to the viewer, there was a vague inspiration from the Aesop’s fable “The tortoise and the hare” but it’s mainly a self-indulgent work of things I enjoy painting.

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The head of a money in red with other monkey heads captured inside his head - Tony South - Hypno

A reworked version of the Hypno-chimp design featured in other paintings, its a fairly large oil on canvas piece, merging snippets together to form the whole.

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