
A gorilla lighting a cigarette while leaning on a BSA motorcycle - Tony South - Ace

An earlier painting on the ongoing human and primate assimilation concept.

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Ya Pays Peanuts…

A racing Ferrari with a pit crew of Gorillas - Tony South - Ya Pays Peanuts...

Commission piece for a collector who drives and races the car in the painting, with additional Gorilla pit crew for composition.

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Credo quia absurdum

A man with multiple arms and a gas mask holding pistols in from of a music machine - Credo quia absurdum (I believe because it is absurd) - Tony South

This painting just simply fell together, it was an amalgamation of the bizarre and peculiar with the odd personal icon making an appearance. A tapestry of the weird and wonderful.

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The Soothing (of the Savage Beast)

A gorilla playing the guitar while seated in front of a hot rod - Tony South - The Soothing (of the Savage Beast)

An earlier work , the 2nd painting in the Hotrod and primate theme. Most of the primates used in the earlier paintings were Gorillas, were as the later works featured a more hybrid Chimpanzee/Gorilla character.

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Still Smokin

A monkey in a hot rod - Tony South - Still Smokin

This work was the first one where the idea of Hypno-Chimp first spawned as a mural on the hotrod door, a motif that ran through a lot of the later paintings.

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Papa Was A…

A gorilla seated on a motorcycle wearing a Rolling Stones t-shirt and a banjo - Tony South - Papa Was A...

Inspiriting comes in many forms and this work was conceived from The Temptations classic song “Papa was a rolling stone”. The line “where ever he laid his hat was his home” sums up the final image on the canvas…The romanticized loner, nomad, or selfish, narcissist depending on your perspective.

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A Brace of Silverbacks

A gorilla on a motorcycle that is braced - Tony South - A Brace of Silverbacks

In my late teens, I bought a Norton motorcycle (in bits ) from a local Hells Angel, I used to sit in my fathers shed polishing the gas tank and daydream of one day straddling this magnificent Icon. Unfortunately I missed a couple of payments, and my dream ended when this burly Hells Angel reclaimed…

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Two monkeys with a motorcycle, bat and spear - Tony South - Defunct

Based on the demise of the British motorcycle industry in the late 60s/70’s with the Japanese and Italians cornering the market with their smaller, cheaper and reliable machines.

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